Hatch Rest Volume and Decibel Guide

We all want our babies to sleep well, so white noise is a great idea, but what about the Hatch Rest volume? 

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends baby noise machines are 50 decibels or quieter. Setting the volume level on the Hatch app to 20% made most of the sound options between 30-50 decibels if the baby’s crib is 7 feet from the Rest. (I tested the Hatch Rest with a decibel meter 7 feet away based on several recommendations.)

The sounds vary in decibel and volume levels. The lullaby songs reached some of the highest decibels and the forest and rain sounds were the lowest. I’d recommend using a decibel meter to test what setting you should use if your baby’s sleeping area is a different distance from the Rest. 

More details below on how!

How loud should Hatch Rest volume be for a newborn?

As noted above, 50 decibels is the max recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. You might find that a lower volume level is better for your home and what’s comfortable for your newborn. 

The loudness that your baby will baby will hear is dependent on how far away your baby sleeps from the Rest and what volume you have it set to. 

How far should the Rest be from baby?

You’ll find some sites that say the AAP also recommends keeping noise machines 7 feet away. The AAP sources I found did say they tested the noise machines at 7 feet and other distances, but not which one they recommend. It’s unlikely to happen, but just in case the Rest has a problem and unexpectedly gets louder, I do keep it 7 feet away from where the baby sleeps.

Ultimately, the most important thing to consider is what volume level you set the Rest to with how far away it is in the room.

What percentage should Hatch sound machine be on?

If the Rest is 7 feet away from where the baby sleeps, setting the volume on the Hatch app to 20% keeps all the sounds near 30-50 decibels.

The white noise option with the tv symbol will be about 50 decibels if set to 20% volume and set 7 feet away. If you use some of the other quieter sounds, you may want to turn the volume setting up to be slightly higher. Just remember to turn it down if you switch it back to the tv symbol or lullabies.

How to adjust the volume level without the app

If you don’t have the Hatch app and want to adjust the volume to about 20%, or a reasonable level, turn the volume to silent, then hold down the volume up button for about 1.5 seconds. 

Holding the volume up button for about 7 seconds will adjust the sound from silent to loudest.

Hatch Rest Max Decibels

If you’re curious what the max decibel level is for a Hatch Rest (first version), I found it’d go up to the mid 80’s when within a few feet from the decibel meter. Hint: It’s super loud and you (or your baby) won’t want that.

How to test the decibels of your Hatch Rest volume

I’d recommend downloading the Decibel: dB sound level meter app (links: Decibel for iOS and Decibel for Android). They also have an article on safe decibel levels for babies.

Be aware, if you test your decibel levels in your own home, you likely won’t see 0 decibels come up when you think it’s totally quiet. Even rooms that seem quiet often have noise and decibels we won’t pick up on.

Hatch volume going up and down?

Some Hatch devices have had issues with the volume randomly going up or down, which there isn’t a good fix for. 

The best short term solution would be to contact Hatch through their return page to get another device. 

Some users have had this volume issue when transporting their Hatch and taking it with them to other places frequently. If you’re only using the sound feature, I’d recommend a different sound machine like a Hushh that has fewer bells and whistles but is more durable. 

(I’ve used both and the Hushh is far more mobile.)

Need help changing the color or resetting the Hatch?

(Or put some decibels in your own ears with one of our recommended podcasts episodes for new dads.)